Punix - Tagebuch eines Piraten |
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Siebenter Tag
Langsam kehrt Routine ein. ;)
Ein Kandidat von meiner "Can Kill" Liste. Ich erwischte ihn auf dem Weg zu Gate. :)
2006.01.06 19:31
Victim: Comrade
Alliance: None
Corp: Btards United Corporation
Destroyed: Cormorant
System: Dammalin
Security: 0.5
Involved parties:
Name: General Punix
(laid the final blow)
Security: -2.0
Alliance: None
Corp: Republic Military School
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Destroyed items:
Linear Flux Stabilizer
150mm Railgun I
Standard Missile Launcher I
Small Shield Extender I
Antimatter Charge S, Qty: 40
Antimatter Charge S, Qty: 40
Ein harter Gegner. Wußte halbwegs was er tat und war gut getankt. Ich hatte bald den Eindruck er hat auf mich gewartet. Aber seine Vorbereitungen waren wohl nicht zu umfassend. Und dann ging er down. ;)
2006.01.06 21:57
Victim: Dex Timor
Alliance: None
Corp: Republic University
Destroyed: Bellicose
System: Olfeim
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: General Punix
(laid the final blow)
Security: -2.0
Alliance: None
Corp: Republic Military School
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Destroyed items:
Widowmaker Heavy
Missile, Qty: 342 (Cargo)
Fusion S, Qty: 699 (Cargo)
Small Armor Repairer I
1MN Afterburner I
Thunderbolt Heavy Missile, Qty: 36 (Cargo)
Titanium Sabot S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Small Capacitor Booster I (Cargo)
Gyrostabilizer I (Cargo)
Medium Shield Extender I (Cargo)
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Small Armor Repairer I (Cargo)
Fusion S, Qty: 15
Naja, nen kleiner Happen zum Zeitvertreib. Man nimmt halt was kommt. ;)
2006.01.06 22:11
Victim: Criptic
Alliance: None
Corp: Brotherhood of the Steel
Destroyed: Incursus
System: Olfeim
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: General Punix
(laid the final blow)
Security: -2.2
Alliance: None
Corp: Republic Military School
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Name: Angel Depredator / Archangels
Destroyed items:
Cold-Gas I Arcjet
Small Armor Repairer I
Light Ion Blaster I
Light Ion Blaster I
Reactor Control Unit I
Small Shield Booster I
Civilian Shield Booster I (Cargo)
Phased Plasma S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Proton S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Carbonized Lead S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Angel Bronze Tag (Cargo)
Heat Dissipation Field I (Cargo)
EMP M, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Medium Hull Repairer I (Cargo)
ECM Burst I (Cargo)
Gyrostabilizer I (Cargo)
Antimatter Charge S, Qty: 120
2006.01.06 22:31
Victim: Sabine Demsky
Alliance: None
Corp: Pator Tech School
Destroyed: Rupture
System: Olfeim
Security: 0.4
Involved parties:
Name: General Punix
(laid the final blow)
Security: -2.3
Alliance: None
Corp: Republic Military School
Ship: Rupture
Weapon: Dual 180mm Prototype I Automatic Cannon
Destroyed items:
'Malkuth' Assault
Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher
Ballistic Control System I
Small Supplemental Barrier Emitter I
Warrior I (Drone Bay)
425mm Medium Gallium I Machine Gun
200mm Reinforced Crystalline Carbonide Plates I
425mm Medium Gallium I Machine Gun
F-M2 Weapon Inertial Suspensor
Warrior I (Drone Bay)
Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners
Dual-sheathed Thermic Plating I
Shield Recharger I (Cargo)
Thunderbolt Heavy Missile, Qty: 17
Proton M, Qty: 112
Sabretooth Light Missile, Qty: 53